
November 8, 2020

How to Achieve and Maintain Physical Wellbeing

Overview Taking care of your body is an indispensable first step towards achieving emotional and mental health. The body and the mind are linked together. When […]
November 8, 2020

Physical Well-being

Exposure to elements of nature has a positive impact on our physical health and sound state of mind. This proves that viewing natural sceneswith plants or […]
November 8, 2020

How much physical activity does your body need to stay healthy?

Movement is the best antiaging method.  Exercise as an investment in health has no age limit. “Sport, especially strength training, is the only effective antiaging method.” […]
November 8, 2020

Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS): The Symptoms and Treatment

Myofascial pain syndrome, otherwise known as Myofascial, is a type of disorder where pressure on some delicate points in human muscles triggers pain in other unrelated […]