Max Soni

November 8, 2020

Understanding Jaw Pain: How to Find Relief

Overview Jaw pain can be a devitalizing health condition that affects your ability to speak and eat. There are many factors that can cause jaw pain, […]
November 8, 2020

Holistic Therapy

What is holistic therapy? Holistic therapy is a technique designed to address an individual as a whole person rather than someone who is sick, just has […]
November 8, 2020

The function of a Holistic Therapist

A holistic therapist is a practitioner that understands people as a whole in their context of body, mind, and soul. A holistic therapist uses another approach […]
November 8, 2020

5 Fruits you need to eat before the year ends, and their Health Benefit

Scientifically, fruits are the best source of vitamin C, but some of them go beyond playing their original role as the primary supplier of vitamin C […]