Myofascial pain syndrome, otherwise known as Myofascial, is a type of disorder where pressure on some delicate points in human muscles triggers pain in other unrelated body parts. Symptoms of Myofascial pain syndrome usually happens after repeated muscle overuse or injury. In a country like Sydney alone, a total of over one hundred thousand cases are reported on an annual basis.
Sufferers of MPS are likely to experience pains on the back, neck, mouth, or face. On the other hand, sufferers are also likely to experience problems sleeping, muscle spasms, tenderness, and fatigue. While some people take to pain medications and relaxation techniques, physical therapy can go a long way.
Myofascial sufferers also experience Fibromyalgia: widespread chronic pain in the body. Scientifically, the brains of those who have Fibromyalgia become more sensitive to pain signals as time goes on. Again, some doctors believe that MPS triggers Fibromyalgia.
Because the myofascial pain syndrome is caused by a stimulus, which sets off trigger points in the muscle, anxiety, and stress can also force MPS. Fortunately, most of the best-recommended treatment for myofascial is applying a concentrated “gentle massage,” which can be gotten through craniosacral therapy.
Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS)
A gentle massage on the affected areas will do any good with a professional craniosacral therapist on the job. It will systematically stimulate those stiff areas using mild manual pressure. The therapist holds the responsibility to apply the best techniques that helps both the tissue and the supportive sheath release pressure on the rigid areas.
The craniosacral therapist procedure is repeated on the same trigger points until the tension on those points is relaxed. During the therapeutical process, the patient may be experiencing painful sensations or aching in the affected area, but it will reduce pain caused by these body imbalance.
Nevertheless, the myofascial condition treatment is not always seamless; there are some known risks associated with Myofascial. Some of these risks include painful wounds, broken bones, burns, injuries, and deep vein issues.
Since chiropractic manipulation can work seemly well, doctors will also recommend other traditional remedies. And because of the risk involved, some people who suffer from short-term or chronic back pain may want to try out the therapy method still, probably because they are always trying to avoid surgery.
Finally, people who suffer from Myofascial Pain Syndrome are advised to talk to their therapist, especially if they are interested in myofascial release. The Myofascial release (MFR) or self-myofascial release is an alternative therapy that is considered very important for treating pain and other forms of skeletal muscle immobility. This procedure is done by relaxing stiff muscles, oxygen, lymphatic circulation, improving blood circulation, and stimulating the muscles’ stretch reflex.
Speak with your doctor or physical therapist if you’re interested in trying myofascial release. You may have great success with this type of alternative back pain treatment. However, you need to be aware of the potential dangers you would with any kind of medical treatment.